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Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)

26th January 2025


Our Lady of Lourdes, Arnside

St Charles & St Cuthbert, Grange

Christ the King, Milnthorpe


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26th January 2025


This Sunday’s Scripture:

Jesus gives us His mission statement in the synagogue at Nazareth. He is anointed and given power by the Holy Spirit to bring the Good News to the poor, to set the downtrodden free and declare the Lord’s year of favour. We too are the body of Christ. In the one Spirit we were all baptised. Together we are all Christ’s body in this world, and each has a part to play; and together we continue his great mission.


The Conversion of St Paul: (25th January). The conversion of St Paul and his being given a God-given mission to the gentiles changed the infant church fundamentally. Instead of being a sect of the Jewish faith, trying to convert Jews alone, it became the foundation of a worldwide church, taking the Good News of Jesus to all nations.



World Apostolate of Fatima, England & Wales. First Saturday Devotion 1st February:  Rosary for world peace at St Charles, Grange at 10am followed by 15 minutes meditation. Confession, which is part of the First Saturday Devotion, is available on the last Tuesday of each month after morning Mass. If you don't follow this particular devotion to Our Lady, please consider joining us for the Rosary.

Dear Friends - Monica Farnworth.  Just to let her friends know Monica is now back in Grange. She is in Grange Cottage Care Home.  If anyone would like to visit her, that would be fantastic.   (12.30 -1.30 protected lunchtime so no visiting then) otherwise no restrictions. Thank you for all your prayers. 

Love, Clare. 

CONFESSIONS will be available straight after Mass on the last Tuesday of each month i.e. Tuesday 28th January, 25th February etc.  In addition, Fr Hugh will be available to hear Confessions on Tuesday 4th February.

(Or by private arrangement with Fr Simon or Fr Hugh).

St Charles’ church open 9.30am - 4.30pm Monday to Saturday.

Contemplative Prayer Group: Thursdays 2pm in Presbytery sitting room.

Morning Prayer in church 10am Thursday followed by Rosary.  10am Friday followed by Adoration (Exposition).

Diocesan Directories 2025 on sale in porch - £6.00.  Money should be put in the “Magazines and Periodicals” box in church porch.

BIBLE ALIVE … Can those interested in taking Bible Alive each month please get in touch with Marian.  We may need to reduce or cancel the order, as most of the magazines are not being taken.

Crib Offering Box at Altar Step: The Crib collection this year will be sent to the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem.  Bishop Paul asks that we keep this collection open until the Feast of the Lord's Presentation - 2nd February 2025.

The next Coffee Morning will be at Thornleigh, The Esplanade, Grange on the fourth Tuesday, 28th January from 10.35 onwards.  All welcome.

Ladies’ Group Lunch:  The next Lunch will be on Wednesday 5th February at the Pheasant Inn, Allithwaite.  Please put your name on the list in the church porch if you wish to attend.

Red Boxes … Where are they ?? Eric has only received 6 boxes for November.  Red Boxes are due to be emptied again in February.  Any problems, please contact Eric on 34487.

Jubilee 2025 Booklet - The Jubilee Companion Booklet 2025 is published in a collaboration with the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales.  The Companion Booklet will help pilgrims ponder and pray, focusing on the great themes of the Holy Year.  If you would like a copy, please add your name to the list at the back of church so we can order the correct number.  Cost £1.

Extract from the Bishops of England & Wales website: 

Eight bishops, including two bishops from England and Wales, will travel to Jerusalem from 18-23 January 2025 for the Holy Land Coordination.  The Holy Land Coordination, organised by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales through its Department for International Affairs, is an annual meeting that is defined by four Ps – presence, prayer, pilgrimage, and pressure. Bishop Nicholas Hudson, who will serve as Moderator, and Bishop James Curry will attend.  The bishops go to be present to the Christians who remain in the Holy Land, to let them know they are not forgotten; to pray with them; to encourage pilgrimage to their land; and to advocate on their behalf at home.




House Group (CTK): meets twice a month, usually Tuesdays, 7-9pm at Sioban’s home in Yealand. Every 5th or 6th meeting is a social one. If interested in joining us please contact Sioban (07803 967617) or Deirdre (07468 535830).

Christ The King church can be open for private prayer at any time. ask any member of the PPC for the door lock codes. (PPC members and contact details on noticeboard in entrance hall).



Our Lady of Lourdes open for private prayer daily. 10am - 4pm.

Adoration: Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament at 2pm, followed by the Rosary, every Tuesday.

Arnside Christians Together –

Christmas Fair: The ACT Christmas fair raised, after expenses, £700.20 which, when divided between the three churches, meant each church received £233.40. Our money was divided between Christmas flowers for OLOL and the Lancaster homeless project.

Rest and Restore at St James' Tuesday 4th February 18.15. Christian Meditation. A time of prayer for healing and wholeness. A moment to press pause...

Monthly Manna - 7th February  (First Friday of each month.) St James' 12.15 - 13.00.  A time of food, conversation and fellowship; sharing questions and insights around the Christian faith.  Come for all or drop in for part. Bring your own lunch. Free tea/coffee provided for everyone.



Please pray for those of our parishes who are sick:

Geoff Critchley, Michael Carter, Pam Gee, Brian Mills, Eileen Parker, John Browne, David James, Angela Taylor, Philip Barry, Alan Wild, Pat Duckett, Monica Farnworth, Geoff Guy, Ira Fishman, Mary Wainwright,

Bernard Walker, Alex Davies, Margaret and Burt Wilson, Margaret Godfrey.


Please also pray for those whose anniversaries occur about this time.


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